Monday, March 31, 2014

                  "Old Money" vs. "New Money"

The story The Great Gatsby takes place mainly in two areas of New York during the 1920's. Early in the story the narrator Nick establishes separate ideas about the two areas and the people in them. Nick lives in West Egg but deems East Egg as wealthier, classier and at a higher social status. West Egg contains plenty of wealthy people such as Gatsby but the people in West Egg are a different type of rich than the people in East Egg. People in East Egg are said to have "old money" and the people in West Egg are described as having "new money". Old money is described as wealth that has been in a family for several years whereas new money is money recently obtained by someone. A family of old money is likely to come from royalty and have men who have went to ivy league colleges and have received degrees. A person from new money may have lucked up on their money from a new business. People with new money are seen as lesser because they apparently dont deserve the same riches as people from old money.
 I think that wealth is wealth and it shouldnt really matter how it was acquired because in the end, your still rich. Gatsby has all this money and all of these glamorous things and he throws the biggest parties ever yet he is still living in West Egg. Tom lives in East Egg but in my opinion it makes him no better than Gatsby. Gatsby actually seems to have a better character than Tom. Tom is that great of a person when it comes to character and I think he is that way because of the fact that he comes from old money. People from old money are supposed to be better than everbody which is exactly why Tom thinks he's better than everyone. Old money tends to make people snobby and concieted while people from new money are likely be a little more humble just because they can remember a time where they didnt have money.