Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor :Hero or Stooge

      John Proctor in my opinion was a brave man and not the least bit of a stooge. A stooge is defined as someone who serves merely to support or assist others and the word itself is often used in an unpleasant way. To me, John was a servant to no one but he was a hero who tried to help others who he believed deserved justice. When you think of  heroes like Superman, Captain American or even a common day hero like a policeman they are all people who fight for justice. John rose against the court for the justice of his friends and his wife. Just like your classic hero, John put his life on the line for the safety of others. John Proctor could have taken the easy way out and dropped his charges when given the chance by the judges. If  Mr. Proctor would have dropped the charges after the person he cared for the most, Goody Proctor was promised another year he probably could have saved himself. Instead of cowardly dropping the charges and trying to keep himself as far away from the court as possible to avoid being charged, Proctor stands his ground and helps others with their depositions.
     A stooge follows the orders of others and i would think for a reason. A stooge may follow/serve others because they are afraid to go against their leaders ideas or because they cant think/speak for themselves. John proctor has no reason to fearfully follow the orders of someone else. Proctor isn't a stooge to his wife (whipped) like some men tend to be. Proctor made his opinions clear to his wife and doesn't take orders from her. I realize that women had a different place in society at that time, but I think its still a valid point. Even after confessing to the court, John refused the judges' orders to sign the court documents making it clear to the judges how he felt about his name. John Proctor heroically fought for justice even though he knew it could lead to his death. John was the hero of the entire story and through his bravery he proves that he is no where near a stooge.
(Obviously demonstrated in the story, being a hero gets you no where. Don't be a hero unless you have super powers, other wise be smart and save yourself. )


  1. I completely agree with you. I think if John were a stooge and died, he would have died because he was angry at the town and against everyone. He died with a purpose though. Heroes make drastic decisions for the good of the community and those they love, exactly what John did. You say, "John put his life on the line for the safety of others. John Proctor could have taken the easy way out and dropped his charges when given the chance by the judges." That's such a good point, i totally forgot about that. John was always faithful to his friends. You wrote a really good argument with points that really support your claim.

  2. Aajeanna, I really liked that you gave your opinion and backed it up, but I disagree completely, and I think that John Proctor is a stooge, because a stooge is someone who lives for other people, and he didnt confess because of Rebecca Nurse and everyone else locked up. Your right that John Proctor isnt a stooge to his wife, but he is just a bad person, because he basically kills himself while is wife is pregnant in jail. He claims he wants to be good, but he has only harmed people, and he is a stooge... BUT good job!
