Sunday, September 8, 2013

There goes the neighborhood

There goes the neighborhood 

     Places don't always stay the same forever. Places can change and the people in those places can too but change isn't always something that is accepted by everyone. Change can cause fights, wars, and pure hatred between people. When a neighborhood changes and a new group of people arrive its not uncommon for the two groups to have there differences. Conflicts may occur between the two groups for a number of different reasons. One reason evident in history is because the new arriving group tries to change the people that already live there. Christopher  Columbus makes a good example because his initial intentions upon meeting the natives were to convert them and conquer there land. Of coarse that didn't fly too smoothly with the natives and so there was conflict. I don't think Christopher Columbus was justified in what he did so i think that conflict was totally all the arrivals fault. The arrivals aren't always to blame though, hatred or fearing the unknown can also cause controversy between groups and other times the reasoning may not be so clear. When my grandparents first bought their house (about 40 years ago) their neighborhood was entirely occupied by white families with the exception of one other black family which were the Wilkersons. Within the first few months of my grandparents arriving to that neighborhood somebody had set their garage along with the Wilkersons garage on fire. Over those 40 years the neighborhood has changed a lot though because now not one other race aside from black lives on or around our block. Whether the neighborhood changed for the better or worst is a matter of opinion.

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